Wednesday, August 17, 2011

featured artist


                        Kentucky School of Art presents
                              Russel Hulsey: Anti Portraits

Anti Portraits culls works by Louisville-based Artist Russel Hulsey from 2007-present.  The exhibition consists of sixteen individual works in three categories: Jack Kerouac’s America, Television Families, and a simple, yet refined, tribute to late Artist and friend Stephen Irwin.  All three categories merge together here to form: “Anti-Portraits.”  The artist states, “This exhibition is so-titled because of my interest in portraiture, or rather, what the “portrait” can be.  I hope to approach this age-old tradition with a poetic sensibility, and to push into territories that speak not only to presence but, also to impermanence, action, and memory.”

                                                            for Stephen Irwin, Russel Hulsey 2011 

                                                            From Ozzie To Ozzy (Television Families), Rusel Hulsey 2007


                                                                       Song to Kerouac, Russel Hulsey 2009

                                                                       On the RoadRussel Hulsey 2009  [ sculpture ]


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Opening September 10th

The works are inspired by none other than 
Louisville's own Hunter S. Thompson.

Prints by artist Russel Hulsey and hand painted works by Russel Hulsey and Shelley Vaughn Hulsey.