I am thrilled to share with you that on June 21st Mayor Greg Fischer and Center For Neighborhoods unveiled our public art work, Push the Envelope, KY. With a wonderful turn out my husband and I shared our joy with Schnitzelburg, family and friends. We are very honored and proud of our work and excited to see how the public continues to respond to the work over the next year.
Push the Envelope is a unique interactive art work in which the public is encouraged to participate. The Envelope is a large pop art sculpture addressed to the Universe with two slots on the right side, PUBLIC and PRIVATE. Participants can place letters, drawings, hopes, prayers, into one of the two slots.
We will be collecting the contents of the PUBLIC slot and posting it on our Push the Envelope blog to share with the community and even using it as a tool to communicate with the Schnitzelburg neighborhood council (ex: voting for the #1 citizen). We, however, will not view the contents of the PRIVATE slot as they will remain anonymous for the duration of the project. At the end of one year, the contents of the private slot will be shredded into a pulp and used as a fertilizer as a part of a ceremonial tree planting in the Schnitzelburg neighborhood. The site of the tree will be announced at a further date. The ceremony will bring the hopes, dreams, and wishes of the community "to life" as a part of a living tree!
Keep updated through our blog: yourenvelope.blogspot.com
Interview with WDRB FOX News
Photo: Aron Conaway, 2011
Shelley Vaughn Hulsey, Russel Hulsey, CFN director Hallie Jones, Mayor Greg Fischer
Photo: Richard Deatz, 2011 |
Shelley Vaughn Hulsey & Russel Hulsey
Photo: Christie Hora, 2011