Wednesday, August 17, 2011

featured artist


                        Kentucky School of Art presents
                              Russel Hulsey: Anti Portraits

Anti Portraits culls works by Louisville-based Artist Russel Hulsey from 2007-present.  The exhibition consists of sixteen individual works in three categories: Jack Kerouac’s America, Television Families, and a simple, yet refined, tribute to late Artist and friend Stephen Irwin.  All three categories merge together here to form: “Anti-Portraits.”  The artist states, “This exhibition is so-titled because of my interest in portraiture, or rather, what the “portrait” can be.  I hope to approach this age-old tradition with a poetic sensibility, and to push into territories that speak not only to presence but, also to impermanence, action, and memory.”

                                                            for Stephen Irwin, Russel Hulsey 2011 

                                                            From Ozzie To Ozzy (Television Families), Rusel Hulsey 2007


                                                                       Song to Kerouac, Russel Hulsey 2009

                                                                       On the RoadRussel Hulsey 2009  [ sculpture ]


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Opening September 10th

The works are inspired by none other than 
Louisville's own Hunter S. Thompson.

Prints by artist Russel Hulsey and hand painted works by Russel Hulsey and Shelley Vaughn Hulsey. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Works, Opening July 23, 2011

        Don't Ask Don't Tell, 2011   Shelley Vaughn Hulsey


Sexuality and gender have been favorite subjects of artists since art’s inception – think of classical Greek sculptures of the ideal male form, the female lure in Botticelli’s works, coquettish Danae rendered by Rembrandt, Fragonard’s young lady on a swing, gender bending performances of the 60s, Mapplethorpe’s photography… The issue of gender and sexuality remains a subject of profound interest for artists, and the visual outcome of this interest continues to intrigue audiences worldwide.
Summer Heat continues in the same vein. This exhibition explores various aspects of sexuality and gender in today’s Information Age. Issues of ambiguity, mutability, social acceptance and the dichotomy between the sexes will be examined through means of images, objects, performances, videos and public displays of affection. Summer Heat will serve as a sexual journey for the viewer allowing the gallery goer to explore their own sexuality through the works in the exhibition.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Public Dedication


I am thrilled to share with you that on June 21st Mayor Greg Fischer and Center For Neighborhoods unveiled our public art work, Push the Envelope, KY. With a wonderful turn out my husband and I shared our joy with Schnitzelburg, family and friends. We are very honored and proud of our work and excited to see how the public continues to respond to the work over the next year. 

Push the Envelope is a unique interactive art work in which the public is encouraged to participate.  The Envelope is a large pop art sculpture addressed to the Universe with two slots on the right side, PUBLIC and PRIVATE. Participants can place letters, drawings, hopes, prayers, into one of the two slots. 
We will be collecting the contents of the PUBLIC slot and posting it on our Push the Envelope blog to share with the community and even using it as a tool to communicate with the Schnitzelburg neighborhood council (ex: voting for the #1 citizen). We, however, will not view the contents of the PRIVATE slot as they will remain anonymous for the duration of the project.  At the end of one year, the contents of the private slot will be shredded into a pulp and used as a fertilizer as a part of a ceremonial tree planting in the Schnitzelburg neighborhood. The site of the tree will be announced at a further date. The ceremony will bring the hopes, dreams, and wishes of the community "to life" as a part of a living tree!

Keep updated through our blog:

Interview with WDRB FOX News 
                                             Photo: Aron Conaway, 2011

Shelley Vaughn Hulsey, Russel Hulsey, CFN director Hallie Jones, Mayor Greg Fischer
 Photo: Richard Deatz, 2011


Shelley Vaughn Hulsey & Russel Hulsey
                                                           Photo: Christie Hora, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Push The Envelope: Public Art

                                              photo: Shelley Vaughn Hulsey

Push The Envelope: Public Art: "Photo: Shelley Vaughn Hulsey This is a photo of a little crafty fun I was having while waiting for paint to dry. It represents my excitemen..."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Louisville goes GONZO

In Late 2010 Russel and I participated in the first ever GONZO Fest held in Louisville, KY.
The event was an all day rock and poetry extravaganza in honor of Louisville's own 
Hunter S. Thomposn.

We, along with fellow artists got a great write up in Louisville Arts Review.
Check it out below!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rain Brain

I find myself lazy on rainy days, so I decided to create a collection of songs to motivate my brain when it's nasty and wet outside.  Coincidentally the album cover is a photo I shot while waiting inside my car for a hard rain to let up.  Get your Rain Brain on!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

ooo make love to me

                                             c2010                                Electric                                Shelley Vaughn Hulsey

my most recent mixed tape: Love Electric

Friday, April 15, 2011

Shake that A**

I love to dance and this is where it's at... 
Booty Shakin'!

Album cover photo cred. goes to my friend Ali. This is of me dancing at the disco. 
Love the laser lighting! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Muse

c2011                             diana doors            Shelley Vaughn Hulsey 

Reflections of shimmery light, the glow of a gas lamp in New Orleans on a steamy night, the reflection of a silvery moon on water that is my MUSE.  It is the way light travels through a dense fog or twinkles from the stars above that move me to pick up my camera.  

It is an urge I can simply not pass up, but it is within this space that I find the blur. That moment between excitement, reflection and knowing.  I would say it's kind of like the philosophy of being,
but with the added verb: action.

I feel that most of my work reflects that very instant, the  moment of inspiration.  It is in that moment that the muse hurdles a lightning bolt in my direction and I have to capture its light at warp speed. It would be great if I always carried my good camera, but I am a 21st century artist and my "camera" comes in many forms these days. My point & shoot or my phone for example.  Why pass up an opportunity to share the light with you, dear reader?  

It is my mission to capture the blur the light and send it your way.
Love and glitter my friends. Love and glitter. 

p.s. more intoxicating works on my page

Friday, April 1, 2011

3Haiku EP

3haiku EP 
Press Release

4 . 1 . 11

ladies & gentlemen, we are floating in space_

please help us support JAPAN in our own little way  ...with poetry.

3haiku are
thaniel ion lee  |  russel hulsey  |  shelley vaughn hulsey

we are:
spoken word_sound art collective

1.00 USD of your purchase of 3haiku EP
will go directly to RED CROSS

thank you for your support


download includes:

minority haiku  |  schiele haiku   the black cat's footsteps

ghost track_welcome (to know where)

+ additional liner notes w/ artwork

" this is high art at its best " 

Frank Messina

New York Mets Poet Laureate


Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Dharma Bums

c2011 Shelley Vaughn Hulsey

‎"I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page
and I could do anything I wanted."

 ~Kerouac, The Dharma Bums (1958)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Working: the collectives

Recently worked on my new photographic series, as well as 2 collaborations. One being a collection of avant guard sound art with Thaniel Ion Lee, 3Haiku. The other is the brain child of J.B. Wilson, Post No Bills. Super charged art using every type of medium we can get our hands on. For the project with J.B. Wilson we are documenting this as the "EXPERIMENT". Works to include Russel Hulsey, J.B. Wilson, and me Shelley Vaughn Hulsey. About 6 months before my move to Philadelphia I am cranking out projects left and right. 

It's go time baby!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Last week I started working on a project with two other Louisville artists,  J.B. Wilson and Russel Hulsey. We have started an art collective called "the Experiment" where we will be documenting our experiences as a group, creating works without the preconceived intention of product.  The overarching idea is pure spontaneity.

This project will span the summer months of 2011 in which we will each pose a different approach to how we "attack" a studio session (an all out painting frenzy).  Just release.  We are interested in how this process will challenge each of us individually and as a collective.  We will be examining the concept of "the whole is equal to the sum of it's parts," confronting "chance operations," and dealing with self ego. 

Follow us on our creative journey! Check back for more:)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Creating Sounds

In the studio working on a new concept album with Thaniel Ion Lee, Russel Hulsey and myself as 3Haiku. We are an ambient, spoken word, sound art collective started in 2011. Our first release will be available April 1st  on . I'll keep you updated as to links etc.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My First Adventure in Minimalism

First week on minimalisim. 
This is so hard for me. I'm taking an old dining buffet back to my mom. It was my grandmother's, and for one year I used it for storage.  It is a functional piece made of pine with many drawers, for my collection of papers, notes, clippings, tissue paper for the random birthday gift, etc. Paper I am tossing into the recycle bin. These are the types of papers, magazine clippings I use to remind myself of design, packaging, color, and even workouts I can do in my spare time. 
However, now I'm squished up in our car waiting to somehow operate this vehicle without much mobility in my upper body. Steering will be a challenge much less shifting gears. Speaking of shifting this is huge for me on many levels.  I am a pack rat. A pack rat of things paper emotions. Too much stuff...

This Blog is my real adventure of simplifying and changing my gypsy, pack rat ways into a streamlined minimal existence.